by Margaret Krome
Sign up to participate in a webinar on Monday afternoon, October 10, entitled, “What You Need to Know about the Farm Bill—Important Updates and Information Related to Community and Regional Food Systems.”
Join us on Monday, October 10, 4:00 Eastern, 3:00 Central, 2:00 Mountain, and 1:00 Pacific time zones. Space is limited, so please email with questions or for information about how to register for the webinar.
The webinar is hosted by several Wisconsin groups but targeted to interested participants around the country. It will address the following topics
– What is the Farm Bill and why does it matter to your community?
– What’s the timeline for action?
– How will issues related to community and regional food systems be treated in two Farm Bill “marker bills” soon to be introduced?
– What coalitions or networks are working on these issues, and how can you get involved?
Margaret Krome, Policy Program Director with the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute in Wisconsin, will describe the Farm Bill’s structure, relevance, and timeline. Helen Dombalis, Policy Associate with the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, will lay out some important farm bill provisions for addressing local and regional food systems. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)’s Legislative Director John Latini will share provisions of a forthcoming bill on community agriculture that he is helping develop. There will be plenty of time in this 1-hour webinar to answer questions.
Presenters will discuss proposals ranging from expanding use of Electronic Benefits Transfer systems and increasing purchasing flexibility for schools in buying food to modifications in existing research, conservation, credit and other provisions to support local and community food systems.