Thirty more days remain before the June 11th deadline for applications to the 2010 round of the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). A number of NSAC member groups have resources to help producers sign up for CSP (with more to follow soon):
- ATTRA recently posted an updated step-by-step guide to the CSP application process to their which includes links to the self-screening checklist and other relevant forms and background information. Producers are also invited to call the ATTRA toll free hot-line number at 1-800-346-9140 (English) and 1-800-411-3222 (Spanish) for additional help or further information. Click here to visit the ATTRA guide to Accessing CSP.
- The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF), has a set of frequently asked questions about CSP, specific to organic producers. Click here to access the OFRF FAQ about CSP
- The Center for Rural Affairs‘ Farm Bill Helpline can offer direct assistance to farmers and ranchers. Call 402-687-2100 and ask for the Farm Bill Helpline.
- The Michael Fields Agricultural Institute will be hosting two CSP Info sessions in Wisconsin. For more information on these two sessions, contact Bridget Holcomb, MFAI’s Associate Policy Director, at bridget(at) or call 608-256-1859.
- Wednesday, May 19th, 1-3 pm in Tomahawk, WI at Treehaven, W2540 Pickerel Creek Road, 715-453-4106.
- Monday, May 24th, 1-3pm in Oshkosh at the NRCS office, 625 E. County Rd. Y, 920-424-0329 x310.
- The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) offers a series of farmer fact sheets on CSP, available on their CSP page. LSP is also interested to hear about producers’ experience with the CSP application process at their local NRCS office. Contact Policy Program organizer Adam Warthesen at 612-722-6377 or adamw(at)