If you eat and live in America, you should be concerned about the future of farming in this country. The average age of our nation’s farmers is 57 years old, with more than a quarter of all farmers 65 or older. There are many people inspired to farm, but as recent studies show, our nation’s young and beginning farmers face tremendous obstacles in starting a farming career. With a large segment of existing farmers and ranchers at or beyond retirement age, it is critical that we support those new entrepreneurs who will produce our food in the future.
The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Opportunity Act (BFROA) of 2011 has been introduced in Congress, and it’s our chance to break down the barriers to entry that impede new agriculture entrepreneurs from starting a farming business. Your representative’s support is absolutely crucial to helping us build momentum for this important bill.
BFROA would improve existing credit programs so young and beginning farmers can access the financing necessary to run their businesses. It would reauthorize important conservation programs that foster new life-long stewards of the land and encourage innovative strategies for land transfer and farm entry. The bill also invests farm bill dollars in training veterans who want to launch a ranching or farming business.
Thank you for taking action to ensure a healthy, safe, and prosperous future!