Contact: Laura Zaks
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Tel. 347.563.6408
Comment: NSAC Praises USDA Announcement of More Than 3.1 Million Acres Offered Through CRP Grassland Signups
Washington, DC, July 15, 2022 – In response to this week’s announcement that the Farm Service Agency (FSA) is accepting offers for more than 3.1 million acres from agricultural producers and private landowners through this year’s Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grassland Signup, the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) issued the following comment, attributable to Jesse Womack, NSAC Policy Specialist.
“The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) applauds the Farm Service Agency (FSA) for its historic announcement that they are accepting offers for more than 3.1 million acres from agricultural producers and private landowners through this year’s Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grassland Signup. This far exceeds the current minimum required enrollment of 2 million acres, and even exceeds the 3 million acre minimum enrollment requirement NSAC championed in the 2018 Farm Bill. This is a wonderful example of FSA going above and beyond to fully utilize an essential tool in their conservation tool belt. Further, it marks a continued trend at FSA of maximizing CRP acres in key subprograms with high environmental value. NSAC hopes that this impressive signup announcement signals that USDA will continue to utilize key working lands conservation programs at its disposal as the country faces increasing challenges from climate change.”
About the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC)
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is a grassroots alliance that advocates for federal policy reform supporting the long-term social, economic, and environmental sustainability of agriculture, natural resources, and rural communities. Learn more and get involved at: