On Friday, November 18, President Obama signed the FY 2012 agriculture appropriations bill into law. The bill was passed as part of a “minibus” (H.R. 2112) which also includes the Commerce-Justice-Science and the Transportation-Housing and Urban Development funding bills as well as a new continuing resolution, which extends FY 2011 funding levels through December 16, 2011 for programs that have not received an FY 2012 appropriation. The last continuing resolution expired today.
The House approved the measure 298-121 and the Senate did also on a 70-30 vote.
The final FY 2012 agriculture appropriations bill provides for $19.8 billion in discretionary spending, which is $350 million below last year’s level and $2.5 billion below the President’s request.
For a comparison of the final bill, known as a Conference Report, with the original House and Senate bills, you can download the latest version of our annual appropriations chart.
Visit our most recent blog post from November 15 for a detailed summary of FY 2012 funding levels.
The House-Senate conference report on the final measure is also available online.