Today, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, operating through the Risk Management Agency (RMA), issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for the Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Program. $3.4 million is available for collaborative outreach, assistance, and training on risk management solutions for socially disadvantaged, limited resource, or traditionally underserved farmers and ranchers who produce priority commodities. Priority commodities are defined as agricultural commodities covered by (7 U.S.C. 7333), specialty crops, and underserved commodities.
Applications will be given higher points if they demonstrate that their projects will: specifically incorporate training on the benefits and implementation of the Adjusted Gross Revenue Lite (AGR–LITE) insurance coverage plan, promote energy alternatives for small farmers and ranchers, and partner with organizations that can meet the needs of limited resources, minority, or beginning farmers and ranchers.
Several SAC member organizations have taken advantage of the RMA Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Program in the past. In FY 2008 SAC groups received $470,000 collectively in RMA Outreach Partnership Agreements award funding:
· Land Stewardship Project received $50,000 for preparing farmers to successfully manage risks and allow them to meet their farming goals.
· Michigan Land Use Institute received $80,000 for training and tools in northwest and lower Michigan to manage risks among underserved and aspiring farmers.
· Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) received $38,660 to deliver training and risk management information to producers from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.
· Michigan Food and Farming Systems (MIFFS) received $100,000 to provide educational opportunities and access to risk management tools for small scale, limited resource and minority producers in Michigan.
· Agriculture and Land-based Training Association (ALBA) received $100,000 to advance economic viability, social equity and ecological management among aspiring, limited resource and immigrant farmers.
· California FarmLink received $100,000 to provide trainings and technical assistance that promote a wide range of risk management strategies.
Applications for this competitive awards program are due by February 13, 2009 at 5:00 pm (EST) and all awards and partnership agreements will be completed by September 30, 2009. For more information on eligible commodities, applications, and awards, please see the complete edocket. You can also visit the Partnership and Cooperative Agreements webpage.