A number of important deadlines for pre-proposals and proposals to USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program lie ahead this spring, summer, and fall.
SARE, part of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture, is a national competitive grants and education program operating in every state and island protectorate. The program is operated regionally – North Central, Northeast, South and West – each branch guided by a volunteer Administrative Council that makes grants and sets regional priorities. The councils include farmers and ranchers along with representatives from universities, government, agribusiness and nonprofit organizations. Since 1988, SARE has funded more than 4,200 projects, including research and education grants, professional development grants and producer grants.
In the North Central region, pre-proposals for Research and Education grants are due June 9. Pre-proposals for Professional Development Program grants are due May 18.
In the Western region, Research and Education pre-proposals are due June 10, Professional Development proposals are due November 4, and Producer grant proposals and Producer + Professional grant proposals are due December 2.
In the Southern region, Research and Eduction pre-proposals, Professional Development program pre-proposals, and Graduate Student proposals are all due June 1.
In the Northeast region, Graduate Student proposals are due May 31. Research and Education and Professional Development pre-proposals are both due August 1.