Schedule of Events
The Rally and related events were held from March 6-8, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
Here is a recap of what took place:
Monday, March 6
- 4:00 pm Welcome and opening (Luther Place Memorial Church, 1226 Vermont Ave NW)
- 5:00 pm Reception and sign-making (Luther Place Memorial Church, 1226 Vermont Ave NW)
Tuesday, March 7
- 11:00 am Rally with farmer speeches and musical performances, Freedom Plaza
- 1:00 pm March from Freedom Plaza to Capitol Hill
- 4:00 pm Lobby Day training (Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol St NE)
Wednesday, March 8
- 9:00 am Press event focused on farmers’ stories (Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol St NE)
- 10:00 am Lobby Day on Capitol Hill (base camp for participants: Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol St NE)
- 4:00 pm Closing
Register to receive real-time updates on Rally-related follow-up activities.

John Mellencamp
Willie Nelson (via video)
Shirlette Ammons
Lil Idli
Our Event Speakers
Rally Main Stage:
- Ray Jeffers
- Chili Yazzie
- David Senter
- Marielena Vega
- Angela Dawson
- Norysell Massanet
- Julieta Saucedo
- Yadi Wang
- Yanely Martinez
- Claudia Lenz
- Helga Garcia-Garza
- Emcee: Anthony Singh-Reynoso
- Land Acknowledgment: Allie Hall
- Cathy Day
- Tope Fajingbesi
- Amyrose Foll
- Phillip Barker
- Sophia Buggs
- Chanda Robinson Banks and Alexis Yamashita
Press Event
- Yadi Wang
- Lindsay Klaunig
- Marielena Vega
- Dorathy Barker
Every day, farmers work at the front lines of the climate crisis.
While the past year has seen significant investments to incentivize climate-friendly agriculture, necessary on-the-ground change requires further policy transformation.
The next Farm Bill needs to explicitly empower farmers to address climate change, by providing resources, assistance, and incentives that will allow them to lead the way in implementing proven climate solutions.
The Rally for Resilience brought together farmers and farm organizations from all over the country with a united request for their members of Congress–make climate change policy a priority in the 2023 Farm Bill!
Key asks
- Farmer-Led Climate Solutions
- Racial Justice in the Farm Bill
- Communities, not Corporations

Organizations who collaborated to plan the rally
- National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
- Farm Aid
- Rural Advancement Foundation International – USA
- Food Animal Concerns Trust
- Pasa Sustainable Agriculture
- Land Stewardship Project
- Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Organic Seed Alliance
- Certified Naturally Grown
- National Young Farmers Coalition
- Johns Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future
- HEAL Food Alliance
- Kiss the Ground/Regenerate America
- EarthJustice
- Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance
- Family Farm Defenders
- Rural Coalition
- Federation of Southern Cooperatives / Land Access Fund
- Natural Resource Defense Council
- Organic Farmers Association
- American Sustainable Business Network
- The Wilderness Society
Organizations who brought delegations of farmers and advocates to the rally
- Ag Noire
- Association of Asian Farmers
- Black Farmers United – New York State
- Black Food Fund
- Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
- Chicago Food Policy Action Council
- Community Farm Alliance
- Cultivate Kansas City
- Dakota Rural Action
- Florida Organic Growers
- Food Animal Concerns Trust
- Food Craft HUB
- HEAL Food Alliance
- Healing by Growing Farms (a Therapeutic Respite Farm)
- Illinois Stewardship Alliance
- Kansas Black Farmers Association
- Kiss the Ground / Regenerate America
- Land Stewardship Project
- Michigan Food and Farming Systems
- Mississippi River Network
- Northeast Organic Farming Association
- Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association
- Organic Farmers Association
- Pasa Sustainable Agriculture
- Punjabi American Growers Group
- Rural Advancement Foundation International – USA
- Slow Food USA
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Waterkeepers Chesapeake – Fair Farms Campaign
- Women, Food and Agriculture Network (WFAN)
- World Farmers
Donate Now: Support the Rally for Resilience!
Our Sponsors
Would like to acknowledge the incredible support we received to make this dream a reality. Thank you to all of our sponsors without whom the Rally for Resilience would not have been possible!
Farm Aid
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
11th Hour Foundation
Ben and Jerry’s
Regenerative Agriculture Foundation
Mercy for Animals
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders
Climate Reality Project
Patagonia Workwear