Statement prepared by AFGE, ASA, NFU, NSAC, and UCS urging Congress to stand by ERS and NIFA research that supports farmers and consumers. … Read More →
Economic Research Service
COMMENT: OIG Report Fuels Foul Play Claims in USDA Research Agency Relocation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Reana Kovalcik National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition 202-547-5754, OIG Report Fuels Foul Play Claims in USDA Research Agency Relocation Washington, DC, August 5, 2019 – Following the release of a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Office of the Inspector General concluding that the USDA may have broken the […]
Demolition by Relocation: ERS and NIFA Moving Day Looms Closer
Last week, the Senate Agriculture Committee took the latest action in the ongoing, collaborative effort to reverse the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) relocation of two core research agencies from Washington, D.C. to Kansas City, Missouri. The Committee called on Dr. Scott Hutchins, Deputy Undersecretary for USDA’s Research, Education, and Economics (REE) Mission Area to […]
COMMENT: USDA Disregards Congress, Plans to Relocate Research Agencies to Kansas City
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Reana KovalcikNational Sustainable Agriculture Coalition202-547-5754, USDA Disregards Congress, Plans to Relocate Research Agencies to Kansas City, MONSAC urges Senate to take a final stand against relocation of ERS and NIFA Washington, DC, June 13, 2019 – Despite ongoing opposition from core stakeholders and multiple warnings from Congress not to proceed, […]
Congress Reintroduces Bill to Keep Research Agencies in Nation’s Capital
Amidst ongoing budget negotiations to prevent another government shutdown, Members of Congress followed through with their commitment to continue to stand up against the proposed move of two premier research institutions from the Capital region. This week, Representatives Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Sanford Bishop (D-GA), and 12 other members of Congress reintroduced the Agriculture Research Integrity […]
Congress Averts Shutdown, Delays FY 2019 Appropriations Decisions
With the clock on their last Continuing Resolution (CR) quickly running down, Congress last week managed to avoid a partial government shutdown by giving their extension an extension – pushing their deadline to set spending levels from December 7 to December 21. Earlier in the year, it seemed that Congress might be able to pass […]
Ag Leaders Speak Out Against Pending Move of Federal Research Agencies
Lending their voices to the growing opposition against the proposed relocation and reorganization of the Economic Research Service (ERS) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), 21 former U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists, Undersecretaries, and Land-Grant University leaders submitted a letter today to House and Senate Agriculture and Appropriations Committee leadership. In […]
USDA Stalwart in Plan to Move ERS and NIFA Despite Mounting Opposition
It’s been over 60 days since the Administration shocked the research community with a proposal to relocate the headquarters of two major federal research agencies. Under the Administration’s plan, both the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the Economic Research Service (ERS) would lose their historic homes in the nation’s capital and be […]
Trump Administration Proposes to Uproot Ag Research
August in the capital is typically quiet; when legislators head home for the August recess, those of us who work in the world of federal agricultural policy are given a brief respite from an otherwise breakneck cycle of news and deadlines. This year, however, is not following traditional cycles. Faced with an ever-growing to-do list, […]
Land Tenure and Turnover: How Are Beginning Farmers Affected?
It’s no secret: farmers need land to farm, and lately they are having an increasingly difficult time obtaining it. Today, nearly half of all farmland is rented and many farmers are forced to cobble together plots of land by contracting with multiple landlords in multiple locations. Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Economic Research […]
Farm Bill Income Cap for Program Payment Eligibility Affects Few Farms
Editors Note: This is a republishing of a recent article by Ron Durst and Robert Williams, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (ERS) Amber Waves magazine. The use of means tests in federal entitlement programs, using income levels to determine eligibility for funds, is a common –if not controversial– practice. For decades, […]