For Immediate Release Contact: Laura Zaks National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Release: Funding Deal Delivers Disaster Relief but Fails to Support Farmers in Building Resilience Against Future Crises Washington, DC, December 18, 2024 – Yesterday, Congressional leaders reached an agreement to fund the government, extend the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill), and […]
Digging into the House Farm Bill: Part 3
This is the third post in a multi-part blog series analyzing the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (FFNSA), which was reported out of the House Committee on Agriculture on Friday, May 24. This post provides a deep-dive analysis of the bill’s potential impacts on the farm safety net, farmers’ ability to access land and capital, fair competition, and treatment of food workers. … Read More →
Senate Hears Commodity and Industry Perspectives on Farm Safety Net and Credit
This week, the Senate Agriculture Committee held two hearings featuring commodity and industry perspectives on the farm safety net and credit…. Read More →
GAO Urges Congress to Reduce Crop Insurance Subsidies… Again
GAO released a report urging Congress to reduce crop insurance subsidies for the highest-income participants and private insurance companies…. Read More →
Lending to Farmers of Color and Women: New Report Examines Trends and Barriers
Editor’s Note: This post developed by Emily Miller (NSAC Policy Intern) and Tyneshia Griffin (NSAC Grassroots Intern) For many farmers and ranchers interested in acquiring land, purchasing major equipment, and even establishing conservation practices, access to credit is a must. However, many producers and aspiring producers of color, as well as female producers, have reported […]
Federal Crop Insurance Program Delivery Can Be Improved Without Endangering Safety Net
For years, proponents of the status quo have rebuffed calls for modernization of the federal crop insurance program, claiming that any significant updates could cause the whole program to collapse. Like any good safety net, however, the program was never really that fragile. One of the challenges for those pushing for the program to become […]
GAO Reports on FSMA Implementation; Plans Needed for Evaluating Impacts on Farmers
With the new Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) regulations now finalized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the process of implementation is underway. As part of the implementation process, FDA has the responsibility to field and respond to concerns from farmers and food businesses, and to evaluate the impact of the rules on farmers […]
GAO Report Calls for Timeline to Update USDA Biotechnology Regulations
As a growing list of genetically engineered plant and animal crops enter the marketplace with minimal, if any, regulation from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Government Accountability Office (GAO) is urging USDA to set a clear timeline for updating its biotechnology regulations. In a report released on April 14, 2016, GAO cautioned: […]