Organic agriculture continues to be one of the fastest growing sectors of American agriculture. Two reports from Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) and the Organic Seed Alliance (OSA), the National Organic Research Agenda (NORA) and State of Organic Seed (SOS) examine organic farming challenges across the US and provide comprehensive assessments and recommendations for ensuring the ongoing growth and success of organic farming…. Read More →
Organic Seed Alliance
New 2020 Organic Survey: Assessing Research, Education and Outreach Needs to Meet the Growing Demand for Organic Products
Organic farmers have seen tremendous growth in the organic sector as demand continues to rise. Despite this market opportunity, organic and transitioning organic farmers still face numerous challenges. Research, like that funded through the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) program spearheaded by the National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), is being conducted to help […]
Best Practices for Sustaining Public Plant Breeding
Editor’s Note: This is a guest blog by Kristina Hubbard, Director of Advocacy and Communications with NSAC member group, Organic Seed Alliance (OSA). OSA attended the Intellectual Property Rights for Public Plant Breeding Summit last year, and works independently as well as with NSAC on public plant breeding policy. Public plant breeding programs, as their […]
New Report Highlights Need for Organic Seed Breeding
The fresh produce from your local grocery store or farmers’ market may be certified organic, but anywhere from 25-80 percent of it might not have started out that way. A recent report from the Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) reveals that the organic seed industry is far from keeping pace with the growth in demand for […]