NSAC issued a comment in response to the FDA’s proposed rule published today that would revise the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule to change certain pre-harvest agricultural water requirements for covered produce other than sprouts… Read More →
water rule
COMMENT: “Flawed Science” Delays Roll Out of Food and Drug Administration’s “Water Rule”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Reana KovalcikNational Sustainable Agriculture CoalitionP: 202-547-5754, E: rkovalcik@sustainableagriculture.net “Flawed Science” Delays Roll Out of Food and Drug Administration’s “Water Rule” National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition praises the decision to revisit and rethink rule Washington, DC, March 15, 2019 – Produce farms regulated under the Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Standards for the […]