Show your support for farmers and regenerative agriculture by acting today!

Congress is currently writing a new spending bill, and we need your help to ask for investments in sustainable agriculture research and technical support for grazing. Join farmers and ranchers across the country in asking Congress to fully fund these programs!
When Washington state’s biggest wildfire in history burned almost all of his pasture, Dan Cavadini was still able to graze his herd of 300 cattle. Through his research funded by the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program he gained confidence in grazing his livestock on the cover crops protecting soil on his cereal grain cropland. This, he said, “opened the doors to a lot of different possibilities… Now we have the knowledge to be able to throw a cover crop in and keep the cows at home instead of having to rent pasture somewhere else.”
The SARE Program and the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) support farmers and ranchers in responding to climate change by empowering them with the tools to implement innovative, regenerative practices. A quick call (or email) to your members of Congress TODAY will help farmers, ranchers, and rural communities collaboratively utilize innovative practices that build soil health and resilient local food systems.

MAKE A CALL: Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to connect with the offices of your Members of Congress and ask to speak with their agriculture aide. Share a message (or leave a voicemail) like this:
I am a [farmer/rancher/concerned about the environment/friend of farmers, whoever you are!] in [YOUR TOWN/STATE]
I’m calling to ask [YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS] to increase funding for the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) to $30 million and the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program to $60 million, in the 2023 appropriations bill.
We are asking for $30 million in funding for the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative to help more farmers get their animals onto pasture which has enormous benefits for the environment and helps make farmers more economically sustainable. This investment will complement full funding of $60 million for the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, the only farmer-led agriculture research program, another critical tool in helping farmers address climate change.
Say thanks!

No answer? Leave a voicemail! Many Congressional offices are staffed remotely right now. You can also send a quick email by clicking here.
In farmer Dan Cavadini’s words, “this is a pivotal time. Whether we frame it as climate change or just a wave of dry weather, I believe it’s a pivotal time to rebuild everything from infrastructure to rebuilding our pastures.” This is true on Dan’s farm and it’s true for Congress: by taking action now we can invest in farmers’ ability to tackle climate change.