USDA has extended the deadline for registering farmers markets for inclusion in the National Farmers Market Directory until June 4, 2010. The Directory is used by the general public and has also become an important tool for policymakers and researchers. The deadline extension is part of an effort to ensure the count is accurate as possible. Go to this USDA webpage for complete details on how to register a market.
The 2010 edition of the Directory will be released in late summer or early fall 2010.
In 2009, the Directory recorded 5,274 markets, a remarkable 13 percent increase over the preceding year and 185 percent increase over a decade earlier.
BRING A FRIEND TO THE FARMERS MARKET! Invite someone to go with you the next time you go to your local farmers market. Enjoy each other's company – and bring a new customer to support our local farmers. It's easy and it's fun to KEEP OUR FARMERS GROWING! – Steal this status.
BRING A FRIEND TO THE FARMERS MARKET! Invite someone to go with you the next time you go to your local farmers market. Enjoy each other's company – and bring a new customer to support our local farmers. It's easy and it's fun to KEEP OUR FARMERS GROWING! – Steal this status.
BRING A FRIEND TO THE FARMERS MARKET! Invite someone to go with you the next time you go to your local farmers market. Enjoy each other's company – and bring a new customer to support our local farmers. It's easy and it's fun to KEEP OUR FARMERS GROWING! – Steal this status.